What do I do now that my loved one has died?

Posted by Mark Van Horn, Esq.Dec 11, 20230 Comments

Van Horn Law and Estate Administration: Van Horn Law or any law firm specializing in estate planning and administration can assist you in the following ways: Legal Guidance: Provide legal advice on the estate administration process, ensuring compliance with Pennsylvania laws. Prob...

Beyond Grave Mistakes: Don't Leave your Legacy to Chance

Posted by Mark Van Horn, Esq.Sep 15, 20230 Comments

Join us for a transformative webinar that delves into the critical importance of estate planning. In "Beyond Grave Mistakes: Don't Leave Your Legacy to Chance," we'll unravel the consequences of procrastination and inadequate estate planning on October 31st at 12 PM. Our staff, with over 50+ years of combined knowledge, will share invaluable insights gleaned from years of experience and the costly mistakes of others. Discover why attending this webinar is essential: 1. Protect Your Loved Ones: Learn how incomplete or haphazard estate planning can burden your family and friends with legal and financial challenges during an already difficult time. 2. Avoid Costly Errors: Gain a deeper understanding of the common pitfalls that can erode your hard-earned assets, potentially leaving your heirs with less than you intended. 3. Peace of Mind: Embrace the peace of mind that comes from knowing your wishes are documented, your assets are protected, and your loved ones are provided for as per your desires. 4. Plan for the Unexpected: Explore strategies to navigate unexpected events, ensuring your legacy remains intact even in the face of life's uncertainties. Don't let your legacy become a source of regret for your loved ones. Meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83118970461?pwd=ek1KeHFCbTBPRUtPczVmNFhad0lEZz09